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Integrated Therapeutic Alignment

ITA is a system of energy medicine based on the understanding that our energy systems

are interconnected with our physical systems, and that the mind interplays with both the

energetic and physical systems

Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) is a three-tiered comprehensive system

of energy medicine developed by Melaney Ryan.

ITA is designed to bring the energetic, physical, psychological and emotional aspects of an

individual into balance and harmony. It maintains that the body suffers when we hold onto

destructive thoughts, emotions and beliefs. This way of being contributes to cellular breakdown and affects the neural pathways.

For this reason, we do not just address physical symptoms; we also look at stored emotions,

belief systems and conditioning patterns as aspects contributing to the root cause

of imbalances.


Through ITA, we are able to activate and balance key connection points between the energetic

and physical bodies. This restores a balanced flow of energy throughout the multi-layered

human system and activates our innate self-healing functions.

Melaney Ryan has translated years of research and experience with energy medicine into a systematic, safe, effective and grounded program that delivers outstanding results.

Learning Pathways

The ITA program is delivered in three tiers of learning that are carefully designed to build on

each other in a clear and systematic progression.


Tier 1


Tier 2


Tier 3




Additional units are available for those who wish to deepen their knowledge in a particular area or who seek to specialise in their clinical practice.

Units are available to those who have completed ITA Tier 1 and are enrolled in ITA Tier 2



ITA for the Animal Kingdom - ITA Mental Health & Psychological Imbalance



"ITA has given me a lifeline at a time when modern psychiatric care had failed me terribly. Melaney’s reassurance and guidance on the nature of the world we live in has allowed me to understand some things that I could never have otherwise come to understand on my own. ITA has opened a doorway for me to share with some like-minded people, some knowledge and wisdom from my own personal discoveries. Thankyou MRIAC."

Anon, ITA. Perth 2016

"As a practitioner of ITA I had a first time client who came to me to see if I could help her with her Asthma. She had had 3 courses of antibiotics over the previous 7-8 weeks and nothing was helping her. Before the end of her treatment she could already breathe freely – I arranged for her to come back for another session, expecting to have to do further treatments, but when she came back she no longer had any signs of Asthma.


Another client of mine was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I followed the ITA systems chart for this condition.
There was a significant improvement after just doing the ITA Spinal Reflex Alignment and after 5 or 6 sessions all of her symptoms have gone.


I thank Melaney for sharing her work and knowledge with others so that we too can make such a difference to people’s lives."

C.I, ITA. Perth 2016

Tier 1


Tier 1

ITA Tier 1 provides students with an integrated understanding of the human energy systems

and a working knowledge of how these systems connect to and interact with the physical

body and the mind.



This is the foundation course in ITA and covers powerful techniques for balancing and aligning

the energy systems, the subconscious mind and the physical body.

ITA Tier 1 elective

Learn the skills you need to manage your new ITA Tier 1 practise.

Book keeping skills for new practitioners.

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Tier 2


Tier 2

ITA Tier 2 builds on the concepts, knowledge and skills acquired in ITA Tier 1.


It provides an in-depth understanding of the higher energy systems and teaches

energetic sequences to work with these systems and structures.


ITA Tier 2 also qualifies students to become an ITA Lifecycles mentor. ITA Tier 2 deepens

students’ understanding of our true capacity for active self-realisation.


The Tier 2 course is extensive and conducted in two stages to allow for ease of integration of

the content.

Practical alignment sequences

Course theory

  • Spinal reflex alignment

  • Blood purification technique

  • Eight energy vortices

  • Balancing cellular memory

  • Opening of the heart channels technique

  • Grid alignment - lifting light frequency

  • Grid placement technique

  • Manifestation technique

  • Core beliefs and conditioning patterns

  • Higher energetic anatomy 

  • Working with systems charts for physical symptoms 

  • Charting root cause and genetic links 

  • Accessing the higher intelligence 

  • Understanding heart channels and
     sacred heart 

  • ITA understanding of the spinal column and spinal reflex points 

  • Lifting light frequency and aligning energetic tone 

  • Balancing cellular memory

  • Deepening the understanding of the make-up of consciousness 

  • I Am That I Am

  • ITA Lifecycles mentoring

  • ITA perspective and manifestation 

  • Vortices and divine energy

  • The diference between divine energy and chi

Course details



Successful completion of ITA Tier 1



Melaney Ryan and MRIAC licensed facilitators

Mode of delivery: 


Theory: Interactive online classes - recordings available for student review

Practicum: In-person 



Section 1

4 x practicum days

6 x online classes


Section 2

4 x practicum days

6 x online classes



1 x written assessment 

1 x practical assessment 



Online classes: Worldwide

Practicums: Australia, USA, Europe. Other locations according to demand.

View upcoming courses 

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United States

ITA Tier 2 electives

ITA T2 electives

The following elective units are available to those who have completed

ITA Tier 1 and are enrolled in ITA Tier 2

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Tier 3


Tier 3

ITA Tier 3 provides a deeper understanding of how to integrate the teachings of Tier 1 and Tier
2 and brings you to an understanding of the true capacity we all carry for transformation. 

Course theory

Practical alignment sequences

  • Higher intelligence in non-duality

  • Remoulding of the unconscious mind

  • Our bodies as the microcosm within the macrocosm of the universe

  • ITA perspective on divine union

  • Unifying the chakras

  • Activation of dormant layers of the higher energy systems

  • Moulding of the three heart intelligences

  • Activation of the Earth Star and the Soul Star

  • Frequency (colour) and tone (sound) as aspects of light

  • The blue/magnetic (-) ray and red/ electric (+) ray within the energy systems

  • Stage 1 central core alignment

  • Stage 2 central core alignment

  • Unifying the chakras technique

Course details



Successful completion of ITA Tiers 1 and 2



Melaney Ryan and MRIAC licensed facilitators

Mode of delivery: 


Theory: Interactive online classes - recordings available for student review

Practicum: In-person 



2 x practicum days 


12 x online classes 


1 x practical assessment



Online classes: Worldwide

Practicums: Australia, USA, Europe. Other locations according to demand.

View upcoming courses 

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United States

Do you want to be a certified ITA practitioner?

View our certification program 

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