Education Packages
Below you can find our current courses offered by MRIAC. Specifically designed for primary and secondary education.

MRIAC education packages, designed specifically for teachers and students.
Personal Presence Program
Embracing the principles of meditation to empower future generations
This program cultivates greater presence by supporting students to self-regulate and improve stress levels, while also fuelling their accuracy in goal setting and taking action. This is achieved through the MRIAC Presence model, powerful yet simple targeted breathing and visualisation techniques, and guided meditations based on the MRIAC understanding of energy.
Students with greater presence have increased resilience and empowerment within themselves and an improved ability to cope with change. Greater presence supports students to be more openminded, decisive and able to create a calm space for improved learning, allowing them to reach their full potential.
The foundation of building presence is to first find balance within ourselves. This balance fuels our ability to accurately focus, which then determines our quality of action. A balanced student can lead themselves through life with more clarity and take focused and accurately-determined action to create a greater impact.
MRIAC has a unique insight into the energetic anatomy and how that impacts our lives. This insight is based on traditional health and wellness practices, refined and evolved through Melaney Ryan’s clinical experience spanning over 35 years. This program focuses on the interrelation between the mind, body, emotions and energetic systems in the context of helping students develop and hold personal presence.
This program will help students -
Understand the body’s response to stress and learn techniques to balance it, enabling higher levels of achievement without losing connection to the self.
Explore ways to build inner strength and the qualities that align to this, without becoming defensive or triggered.
Investigate the importance of accuracy in decision making and balance the key barriers to achieving it.
Explore their true nature as an individual and how to empower themselves.
Learn to manage lower emotions, monitor personal thoughts and emotional processes and recognise the link between the two to bring about mindfulness.
Explore strategies for achieving goals through intent, affirmation and placement.
On completing the program, students will be equipped with knowledge and multiple tools to harness their natural inner strength and increase their resilience, focus and balance. This supports students to take accurate action in their lives with greater presence, bringing about more wellbeing, self-worth and confidence and supporting their academic performance.

Listen to our podcast with Melaney Ryan, interviewed by Personal Presence students in Perth.
Leadership Presence Program
Embracing the principles of meditation
This program cultivates greater leadership presence by supporting leaders to self-regulate and improve stress levels, while also fuelling accuracy in their goal setting and actions. This is achieved through the MRIAC Leadership Presence model, powerful yet simple targeted breathing and visualisation techniques and guided meditations based on the MRIAC understanding of energy.
Teachers and school staff with greater presence can be more open-minded, decisive and able to create a calm space for improved learning, allowing both students and staff to reach their full potential.
Presence is the state or act of existing, occurring or being present. The foundation of presence is to find balance within ourselves. This balance fuels our ability to accurately focus, which then determines our quality of action. A balanced leader can more accurately determine what action to take to create a greater impact through purposeful action, rather than acting from an imbalanced state of busy-ness.
MRIAC has a unique insight into the energetic anatomy and how that impacts our lives. This insight is based on traditional health and wellness practices and has been refined and evolved through Melaney Ryan’s extensive clinical experience spanning over 35 years. The interrelation between the mind, body and energetic systems in the context of leadership is the focus of this program.
This program will help teachers -
Understand the body’s response to stress and learn techniques to balance it, enabling high achievement without losing connection to the self.
Explore ways to build inner strength and the qualities that align to this, without becoming defensive or triggered.
Investigate the importance of accuracy in leadership and balance the key barriers to achieving it.
Explore your true nature as an individual and as a leader.
Learn to manage lower emotions, monitor personal thoughts and emotional processes and recognise the link between the two to bring about mindfulness.
Explore strategies for achieving goals through intent, affirmation and placement.
On completing the Leadership Presence program, participants will be equipped with multiple tools including five recorded guided meditations to harness their natural inner strength and balance. Using these tools helps them take accurate action with greater leadership presence. This positive role modelling within schools will extend to work teams and students. With the potential to teach these techniques to students through our student programs, there can be a common language and foundation for balance and connection between teachers, staff and students.