Audio Guided Meditations
Below you can find a list of audio guided meditations offered by MRIAC.

MRIAC offers a range of audio guided meditations for both personal and career development.

Melaney Ryan
Audio Guided Meditation creator
Listening to MRIAC’s guided meditations is a simple and effective way to help you balance and align yourself, lift your light frequency and manifest your goals.
A number of the guided meditations are 10 minutes or less – including balancing worry and over-thinking, managing stress and manifesting your goals using the heart intelligence – making them very realistic to use in busy daily life.
With these guided meditations, you don’t need to know how to meditate at a more advanced level. All you need is a short window of time to listen and follow the simple instructions as spoken by Melaney Ryan, or to listen to the Hum chant.
All meditations include soothing and rhythmic background music to help you relax and deepen your connection with your true essence and state of balance.
The flexibility of meditating this way helps you progress your path to inner and outer balance at your own pace. You can do any or all, choosing what most resonates with you and your current needs.
If you would like to purchase more than one audio guided meditation at a time, please visit our online store and place your order from there.
Short Audio Guided Meditations to Balance Lower Emotions

The MRIAC balancing shock, fright, insecurity and sorrow meditation leads to the constructive aspects of joy, love, forgiveness, compassion and happiness building within us. This meditation provides you with key affirmations to release emotional imbalance by focusing on the organs and other areas of the energetic anatomy that are related to this lower emotion.
This meditation aims to increase:
Success and goal achievement
Joy, happiness, generosity
Forgiveness and compassion
Love and understanding
Focus on learning the higher lessons, and gratitude
This meditation aims to balance feelings of:
Fright or shock
Insecurity or excessive hurt
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 10 mins

The MRIAC balancing fear and fright meditation leads to the constructive aspect of courage building within us. This meditation provides you with key affirmations to release emotional imbalance by focusing on the organs and other areas of the energetic anatomy that are related to this lower emotion category.
This meditation aims to increase:
Inner strength
Security and empowerment
This meditation aims to balance feelings of:
Fear and fright
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 8.5 mins

The MRIAC balancing frustration, anger and rage meditation leads to the constructive aspect of peace building within us. This meditation provides you with key affirmations to release emotional imbalance by focusing on the organs and other areas of the energetic anatomy that are related to this lower emotion category.
This meditation aims to increase:
Desire, ambition, creativity and happiness
Peace and prosperity
Daring, decisiveness, admiration
This meditation aims to balance feelings of:
Frustration, anger and rage
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 8.5 mins

The MRIAC balancing anxiety, grief and sadness meditation leads to the constructive aspect of happiness building within us. This meditation provides you with key affirmations to release emotional imbalance by focusing on the organs and other areas of the energetic anatomy that are related to this lower emotion category.
This meditation aims to increase:
Love and acceptance of the self
Humility and patience
Abundance and unconditional love
Self-love, self-acceptance and self-worth
This meditation aims to balance feelings of:
Grief, anxiety
Sadness, sorrow
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 10.5 mins

The MRIAC balancing worry and over-thinking meditation leads to the constructive aspect of hope building within us. This meditation provides you with key affirmations to release emotional imbalance by focusing on the organs and other areas of the energetic anatomy that are related to this lower emotion category.
This meditation aims to increase:
Balance and self-esteem
A sense of hope and ease in your life experiences
This meditation aims to balance feelings of:
Worry, self-doubt, over-thinking, stress
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 10 mins
Short Audio Guided Meditations

Have you noticed how our mood and personal presence affect others? A happy or peaceful person can affect the energy in the room, and likewise, so can an angry or scattered person. By holding a positive personal presence, we experience and radiate more joy and fulfilment which assists ourselves as well as others. This requires us to be in a state of balance, accurately perceiving our reality and taking action based on that, as we compassionately stand in our presence. An increased personal presence helps us stay in the present moment more of the time so we can engage with the world from this place of balance. Imagine how our world would benefit if everyone took responsibility to do this. This meditation helps you with that intent. It soothes your body’s response to stress by decreasing worries and overthinking, helping you take compassionate, clear and empowered action.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 9 mins

The MRIAC seven doorways to the soul meditation balances and aligns the heart channels - which are also known as the seven doorways to the soul - within the chest area.
This helps us live with a more open heart, prepares our systems to carry a higher light frequency, and supports the experience of unity within us as individuals and on a global level.
Practising this meditation restores and increases the flow of chi throughout the chest and heart field, providing a greater ability to co-create within our life experiences.
The seven doorways to the soul meditation connects to seven points of light located vertically along the sternum. Point one is at the base of the sternum, with each point continuing upwards at about one finger’s width apart to reach point seven at the top of the sternum. Each point is approximately 2cm/1inch in diameter.
This meditation aims to increase:
Heart field energy
Connection to the heart energy and the earth energy
The sound resonance and tone and our light presence and frequency
Yin and yang balance
This meditation aims to balance:
Suppression of emotions
Feeling unable to express ideas and truths that are important to us
Tension and stress
Imbalances within the chest and middle part of the body
Dizziness and an overall fogginess to the head and throat
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 18 mins.

The balancing stress meditation is a powerful tool to target the areas in the energetic and physical systems that are related to stress. This meditation can aid anyone to calm the nervous system and help balance the negative effects of stress on their systems.
You could use this meditation as a way to include regular small breaks at specific intervals throughout the day.
Some signals that your body will use to show you that you need a break include:
Problems concentrating
Hunger – particularly for stimulating foods such as coffee or sugar
Distracted more easily by technology
This meditation aims to:
Clear stress from key areas where it stores in the system
Bring a sense of calm to your mind and body
Build inner strength
Release physical tension in your body
Encourage balance and alignment
Ground the systems and connect to the earth
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 9 mins

This meditation allows us to access the three energy points that build our heart intelligence, allowing us to activate the heart intelligence at any point in our day. By activating these higher aspects of ourselves we are giving the cognitive brain less opportunity to spiral in negativity and self-doubt leading to a natural increase in insight and intuition.
In this meditation you will be asked to:
Visualise your goal through your will point;
Feel your goal as already here and feel yourself experiencing your goal in full form through the love point; and
Be aware and know with absolutely no doubt that your goal is already created through the wisdom point.
Our mind also plays an active role in how we manifest. This meditation aims to balance any beliefs or conditioning patterns that are no longer serving you in relation to manifesting your goal. This creates a new pathway for yourself through repetition to allow for positive change.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 8 mins

Abdominal breathing is natural, relaxed, comfortable, unrestrained breathing. This technique is a tool to bring the nervous system back into balance.
Signals that the body is functioning in ‘fight or flight’ mode include:
Shallow, short and faster breaths
Heart rate increases
Adrenaline and cortisol hormones rise
Sensitivity of the senses
Blood vessels constrict and muscles tense
Digestion and appetite slows or stops
The abdominal breathing meditation guides you to draw the breath in and down to the lower abdomen slowly and consciously bringing relief to the body and space to the mind.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 3.5 mins
Audio Guided Meditations with Visual Yantra

Balancing menopausal symptoms by reprogramming your subconscious mind
Melaney has designed this meditation based on more than 38 years of clinical practice and her experience of seeing repetitive links in her clients from around the world.
Balancing menopause is grounded in the understanding that we have both a physical body which carries blood and nutrients around the body (organs, muscles, veins etc) and an energetic body which carries ‘chi’ or energy (chakras, meridian pathways, vortices etc.)
When we experience physical imbalance of any kind – including common symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes, weight gain, dryness and hormonal changes – the physical imbalance is simply alerting us to a blockage or imbalance in our energy bodies which can be caused by grief, emotional stress or pain, etc.
This meditation works by cleansing and balancing key areas of both our physical and energy bodies which relate to menopause. It's important that we work on both the physical and the energetic bodies because by restoring balance to the energetic systems we restore the flow of energy and resolve the underlying cause of the physical imbalance.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan PDF booklet - with background notes included and menopause chart for visualisation. Running time - XX mins.
'I have gone through menopause and my only question now is – why don’t women talk about menopause and support each other through this transition? I used my understanding of the energy systems to navigate menopause and experienced no weight gain, my hair is still healthy and shiny and have had no mood swings.' - Melaney Ryan

Manifest the physical body you desire – a guided meditation by Melaney Ryan
Weightloss through reprogramming your subconscious mind
Melaney has designed this meditation based on more than 38 years of clinical practice and her experience of seeing repetitive links in her clients from around the world.
Manifest the physical body you desire is grounded in the understanding that we have both a physical body which carries blood and nutrients around the body (organs, muscles, veins etc) and an energetic body which carries ‘chi’ or energy (chakras, meridian pathways, vortices etc.)
When we experience physical imbalance of any kind – including unwanted weight – the physical imbalance is simply alerting us to a blockage or imbalance in our energy bodies which can be caused by grief, emotional stress or pain, etc.
This meditation works by cleansing and balancing key aspects of both our physical and energy bodies which relate to weight. It's important that we work on both the physical and the energetic bodies because by restoring balance to the energetic systems we restore the flow of energy and resolve the underlying cause of the physical imbalance.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan PDF booklet - with background notes included and weight loss systems chart for visualisation. Running time - 28 mins
Long Audio Guided Meditations

Most of us hold deep limiting core imprints that deeply affect our lives. Often these imprints cause us to feel we have hit a wall or plateau in our self-realisation journey.
These imprints are caused by traumas and difficult challenges in this lifetime or
others and run deeper than the conditioning, beliefs and patterns that block us at the more grounded physical and energy body levels.
To balance them we must access our vortices that connect us to the higher energy systems, within which we can create a new vibrational resonance that affects our entire human and higher system.
This process involves using rhythmic and sequenced movements of chi to awaken certain chakras, vortices and other aspects of the energy systems and allow the higher centre of your brain to send new and balanced messages to the relevant systems of your body.
This meditation can be used to achieve specific results in your life – if you are aware of a blockage, intend to balance the unhelpful energies relating to it during the meditation process.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 48 mins

Through this meditation we are balancing and aligning our personal grid to lift the grooved channel of light from the hips up to the shoulders so that the energy systems and their make-up can resonate at a higher frequency of harmony.
At this time in the rapid ascension of consciousness, it is vitally important to lift our light frequency to bring us into a more heart-based reality within higher awareness.
These higher frequencies allow us to experience greater well-being, love, joy,
prosperity and deeper self-realisation of our divine truth.
The personal grid carries the awareness of who we truly are in our divine essence, so the lighter it is the more we can perceive of our true self. It is a part of the Universal Grid and links us to our grand destiny, which is to realise our true being, and to the intricate fabric of the human experience.
In this mediation we access our energy vortices to enter the higher energy systems where we can access our personal grid and lift its light frequency.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time - 42 mins

Chanted by Melaney Ryan, the HUM chant repeats 108 times and is accompanied by a drum and chime.
The HUM mantra can be used in meditation as well as to etherically cleanse rooms, offices, children's bedrooms, homes, or when someone is passing over.
The HUM mantra is also a wonderful tool for those experiencing insomnia.
The HUM mantra is recommended for pregnant women to relax themselves and the child in utero.
The HUM mantra assists the seeker to go inwardly.
The mantra maintains the one pointedness, the drum and the chime assist internal focus.
To recite the sacred sound HUM is to integrate the individual consciousness with Supreme Consciousness.
Running time - 25 mins
Audio Guided Meditations
(Experience in Mahat Meditation recommended)

This short meditation is formulated for those who practice Mahat Meditation.
The MRIAC spinning technique for manifestation and unity guides you to release anything that hinders you in creating something important in your life, then guides you to build energy in the positive towards unity consciousness and realising your manifestation.
This involves moving energy in a spiral motion around our inner channel between the Earth and soul stars – these are the higher grounding and anchoring points. The connection point to the Earth allows us to flush out what is not needed.
Spinning energy in this way helps release anything out-dated and builds energy towards what we want to manifest. The heart intelligence energy points are activated to further focus positive energy towards co-creating your desired outcome.
It is very important to practice this technique with an open heart and use it only for manifestations of a wholesome intention.
This meditation aims to:
Release the ties that prevent your manifestation from becoming reality, eg. to experience the success of a relationship, project or business or to experience good health and happiness, as a few ideas.
Help us at a collective as well as individual level to integrate non-duality where all know peace and prosperity.
Guide us to feel gratitude and to contemplate how we will give back to consciousness as we experience our manifestation.
Keep our energy fields aligned through releasing old energy and bringing in new energy, helping us stay balanced when we are working or living under stressful conditions.
This technique can also be used to release trauma including verbal and/or physical abuse memories held within our fields.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time – 18 mins

This short meditation is formulated for those who practice Mahat Meditation.
The human body is a direct reflection of the Earth. The Earth’s grid is realigning itself to carry a higher light frequency, therefore the personal grid of each individual is following suit and our light frequency is also lifting.
I have observed the natural evolution of the human systems and the direction our growth is heading in, and seen that the human body, and especially the nervous system, are under increasing strain through this evolution.
Activating dormant layers and functions within the energy systems doesn’t mean that anything within the systems is being removed. We are simply awakening a supportive framework to assist the body in carrying the increasing frequency of light.
These shifts in consciousness, the lifting of light frequency and tone and the transformations in our human functions, are happening right now. Mahat Meditation offers us the opportunity to consciously engage with this process.
~ From Level One Mahat Meditation by Melaney Ryan
Given the nature of the time we are in, Melaney has developed a new technique specifically for Mahats. It uses the energetic structures developed through regular practice of Mahat Meditation to reinforce your expanded energy field.
The expanded field is always with you, allowing you to adapt and thrive in whatever conditions are present, and supports you in receiving what is needed and in easily releasing what is unhelpful.
The intention behind this new technique is that Mahats can consciously activate a space of reinforced strength and stillness within and around ourselves. Demonstrating this strength, stillness and presence will in turn extend the presence of the Mahatma energy to support our wider communities and the collective consciousness.
This technique is incredibly powerful. It is recommended you practice it alongside your existing Mahat Meditation practice.
If you strongly feel your children or others in your life that do not practice Mahat Meditation would benefit from this technique, feel free to share it if you are confident they are naturally grounded and aligned enough to carry the energy. If you do share the technique, please monitor the person after they practice to ensure they are integrating the energy and are not offset by it.
It is not recommended for people with a limited understanding of energy or those who are ungrounded. If you have people in your life who are looking for support but are new to energy understanding, MRIAC recommends the breathing techniques, short meditations or offline courses as a starting point.
Meditation formulated and guided by Melaney Ryan, running time – 8 mins